Excurions - Hiking - Meetings

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Logo Symbol Anenhuette

Delicious local food - always freshly made

Valais platter, "Hobelkäse", local sausages, Valais rarebits, alpine maccaroni with applesauce, hay soup with dried meat, lamb carpaccio from the Lötschental and delicious apple pie....

Local farmers and producers from the Lötschental and the Rhône valley supply us with their specialities. We use our rock cellar for storage.

Selected wines from Valais
All wines at the Anenhütte are of first quality and have been selected directly from local vineries. The wines are stored carefully in the cellar of the lodge.

Secrecies of the Anenhütte: mystical liquors
Genepi, Marc with alps wormwood directly from the Anenglacier with..... ?
Mirta, blueberry liqueur with ......?

We serve a 4-course menu for supper.
Vegetarian, free of gluten or free of lactose menu upon request.

During the summer season, a helicopter delivers once a week fresh food to the lodge.